The practice of search engine optimisation is always shifting and adapting to a landscape that is comprised of many parts. Yet there is one facet that has remained front and center for driving traffic and helping brands become more visible on the World Wide Web – video.


A search engine with the power and reach of Google always attempts to reflect the larger searching habits of society at large and this form of media content proves to be the most efficient and effective. Whatever the niche and regardless of the region, video stands head and shoulders above the alternative media options.


Here is a discussion about the benefits of video in an SEO context.

Can Alter Standard Content


There is an imperative on an enterprise to provide value for their consumers through whatever means possible. In many instances there will be times when an informative article, PDF file or audio interview would be utilised to communicate a piece of news or to inform about a product or service. What video can do is revolutionise this standard content and bring it to life. What was once a one-dimensional promotion is now suitable for desktop, tablet and mobile users.

Search Engines Crave Video Content


Alongside image searches, video searches on Google has become more prevalent in the past few years as online enquiries move away from standard URL listings to an array of different media types. Not only do keywords exist within the headings, they are also found in meta tags, alt-text and descriptions to give them more signals for search engines to utilise.

Taps Into Power of YouTube


YouTube has forever changed how brands and communities at large think about online video. In 2018 there is no less than 5 billion watched every single day – something that illustrates an ease of use both for the end viewer and the creator. Opt for paid commercials or to create something entirely unique to send it viral. This is an open environment with little to no limitations from a promotional standpoint.

Taps Into Power of Social Media Generally


Embedded videos on websites help to boost the SEO health of a brand, but showcasing these features on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and elsewhere on social media is another facet altogether. The ability to share and send video content on these platforms allows for multiple channels to be functioning simultaneously as companies can leverage their reach beyond the standard models that existed prior to social media.